Thursday, January 19, 2012

Brainwashing my Children

(this post was written while smoking my Valeni Contrast filled with Jenuwine's Royal Buttered Rum.)

Last night I had to perform one of the most painful tasks I've ever had to do as a father.  My daughter was assigned to research an article on the dangers of drug use with a focus on tobacco and I needed to help her.  Torn between my desire to have her do well and sabotaging the project by inserting some real science into the propaganda, I had to censor the thoughts running through my mind.  Drug Use?  Tobacco?  My understanding is that tobacco is STILL a legal product.  It is STILL used responsibly by responsible adults.  To place it in the same category as heroin and cocaine is absolutely absurd.

As I asked my daughter what class this was for, she replied that it was part of a an assignment for Drug Week.  "I thought you did that back at the beginning of school", I said.
"We did, daddy, but the are doing it at the beginning of each term"

This is nuts!  I am so sick and tired of the social engineering that goes on in our school system.  Essentially, this MANDITORY organization, who has control of my children 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, spends 4 weeks out of the year telling my daughters that their father is a drug addict because he enjoys a pipe and a drink (yes, alcohol is included as a "drug").  I'm still trying to decide the best course of action but I have officially HAD IT!


  1. so, surely it is about time for another post soon, right?? maybe?? hopefully?? i need my pipe fix!!!!

  2. Oh, alright. Since you asked. I'll be putting up a couple of new posts this weekend. Stay tuned.
